Document Digitalization

We have available to our customers, a DIGITAL FILE which they can enter via the WEB at any time and place through a secure encrypted password to access all the shipping documents and proof of expenses related to each of their operations managed by the agency, and can also print from anywhere those that require on paper. We are authorized by the National Customs Service as Electronic Dispatch Folder Operators, which means that all customs documents generated and guarded by our agency are digital documents signed with an advanced electronic signature.

This allows the client to completely dispense with keeping or filing copies of historical paper documents of their foreign trade operations.

As an example, on a screen like the following, our clients access their DIGITAL FILE via WEB through the encrypted link of their account in our "Online Agency", reaching each document just by clicking on the hyperlink (text in blue). that appears in front of the document:

digitization date
DIN (copies)
10/10/2013 12:23
DIN (copies)
10/10/2013 12:23
Design by 2022